Window Locks

Types of Window Locks

Casement Stay Locks

Surface Mounted Lock for Casement. (Can be seen and be obtrusive).

There are two parts to these locks, one that is mounted to the casement and the other to the frame. A key usually moves the bolt into the staple.

Concealed Lock for Casement. (A better aesthetic value as it is hidden).

This type of lock is like a barrel bolt, called a mortise rack bolt. The barrel slots into a hole drilled in the edge of the casement and turning a key moves the bolt into a hole drilled in the frame.

Sash Window Screw Lock

These are steel bolts that slide through a hole in the top rail of the inner sash through to the bottom rail of the outer sash. This prevents the inner and lower window from sliding up and the top outer window from sliding down. As a designer they have a good aesthetic value, as they can’t be seen.

Two Part Surface Locks for Sash Windows

These fit on the two horizontal rails (i.e. one on each rail) and when in line, lock together with a key bolt. These are seen, as they are surface mounted.

Sliding Door Locks

These take the form of a bolt that slides into the frame and stops the sliding door or window from sliding along. The body of the lock is attached to the sliding part of the window or door and the bolt pushes or slides into the frame or reveal. A key is usually used to release the bolt.
More on Locks
Door Locks

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