Wallpaper Design

Bathroom Wallpaper – Dramatic Wallpaper Creates Stylish Bathroom

Why use bathroom wallpaper?

The decoration of this bathroom is dramatic, the use of such a bold patterned wallpaper sets the theme of opulence and style. The joinery follows suit but is more subtle with simple moldings to the drawer and cupboard fronts. The basin is simple and the faucet is understated, the two tone detail of gold and silver is subtle and functional.

The gold urn shaped scrolls of the wallpaper design are replicated in the molding of the mirror frame. The drapery is elegantly detailed, the colors following the wallpaper stripe and edged with gold cord. From the look and theme of this bathroom it appears to be a secondary space, a guest bathroom perhaps.

Bathroom wallpaper - ornate wallpaper in guest bathroom

A bathroom can have many functions, the obvious is for washing yourself. In this bathroom example, the application of make up and hair styling are also important uses and are often overlooked leaving the make up precariously balanced on the side of the basin, only to slide into the basin out of reach just when you need it.

So designing a space in the bathroom for these functions is definitely worthwhile.

In this example there is a drawer for storing the make up and hair products – keeping the counter top free for decoration and use when required. The chair is upholstered with restraint, simple piping and pleats lets the form be dominant and doesn’t compete with the walls.


Bathroom wallpaper - Gold and Silver tapware.

Overall it is tastefully decorated and provides good ideas for something a little different from the stark white we see so frequently in modern bathrooms of today.

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