Monochromatic Color Schemes

Monochromatic Color Schemes

A monochromatic or tonal color scheme is created by using any shade, tint or tone of one color from the color wheel. It provides a peaceful and restrained color scheme, and is an easy color type of color scheme to master. It is popular for use in bedrooms and living rooms.

Monochromatic color scheme from the color wheel using blue.

Example of Monochromatic color scheme from the color wheel using blue.

Red Monochromatic Bathroom Color Scheme

This bathroom design is a good example of using a monochromatic color scheme. The main color is red and this had been used for the accents, the rubbish bin, the toilet brush, flower vases, and the remaining areas have used tints of red (added white) creating a pinker shade for the tiles and drapery fabric. The fittings and fixtures and walls are white but take on a pink tinge due to the red sheers at the window.

Blue Monochromatic Bedroom

Blue Monochromatic Bedroom

This bedroom is a typical example of using a monochromatic color scheme in the bedroom. Blue is one of the most popular colors for this. You can see it is simple yet elegant and uncomplicated, which is what a bedroom should feel like. The blue hue has been altered with a tint (adding white) for the stripe on the walls and a shade (adding black) for the bedspread. A monochromatic color scheme like this is a positive one to master, as you will use it frequently.

Dramatically Elegant Bedroom in Monochromatic Red

Dramatically Elegant Bedroom in Monochromatic Red

Wow, doesn’t this bedroom look spectacular in this rich red monochromatic color scheme. This really is all one color. You can see the use of texture and pattern coming through in this color scheme which creates interest. The stripes on the bedding, the patterned upholstery and the carved bed head, even the walls have a red washed paint effect. Often monochromatic color schemes have a lot of tints (adding white) making them restrained and delicate, but with interior design and decorating, there really are no hard and fast rules, just guidelines to get your creativity working.

Keep Moving on the Stair

 monochromatic color scheme

Orange, a color many don’t dare to tackle. This staircase has a dynamic feeling of purpose, get onto it and get moving. It has an energy all of it’s own. If you think of adding white (tint) to the orange paint color and making a peach color, how would the stair feel then? More restful, but very boring. Bold uses of a monochromatic color scheme like this work in small areas of large open spaces like this, imagine this staircase coming off your living room and upstairs to your bedroom? Far too intense for home living.

A monochromatic color scheme can be as soft and muted as you please or as bold and dynamic as you dare as you can see from these examples of using a single color in your color scheme.

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