Pink Color Meanings

Pink Color Meanings and Associations

Get information about pink color meanings and how the color pink effects interior spaces and the emotional reactions it creates.

Pink is often a color we love or hate, it has that appeal. Soft and subtle it is delicate, peaceful and gentle, but bold and vibrant shocking pink can be emotional and stimulating to your senses.

Pink is always a little girls favorite color, perhaps because it is friendly and protective, warm and delicate.

Pink is often underestimated and is making a big comeback teamed with chocolate brown.

Interiors can be transformed with the use of pink, but men generally have an aversion to living in a pink space, maybe they feel uncomfortable around emotional colors?

Therefore it is most commonly used in girl’s bedrooms, sometimes ensuites, and even guest rooms at a pinch.

Pink Color Meanings and Associations

Warm, Peaceful, Delicate, Soothing, Refined, Luxurious, Emotional, Guarded, Weakens Muscles, Stimulates Sweet Tooth, Gentle, Protective, Friendly, Indulged.

Now that you have an idea of the feelings pink summons, try creating a few color scheme scenarios for practice and think about what type of spaces you will put the color pink into, the intensity of the color, the amount of pink you would use and what colors you would combine with it.

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