Personal Color

Color on a Personal Note

Although there are no hard and fast rules, the following observations have been made; the colors people prefer to wear and be surrounded by can suggest their personalities.

Attention seeking teenagers prefer red, the quiet more reserved prefer blue.

The elderly have a preference for yellow, preferring lighter to darker colors.

Extroverts sway towards warm colors and introverts cool colors.

There can also be a flip side to this theory, where the character of the person is lacking certain qualities for example aggressiveness they choose that corresponding color red to compensate.

The red gown worn for a medievil party suggests a confident personality.

Picture – The red gown worn for a medieval party suggests a confident personality.

The climate can also influence our preferences; countries with large amounts of sunlight prefer warm colors with high saturation, Mexico, Jamaica and countries like Finland and Denmark with less sunlight prefer cooler less saturated colors.

Generally, we tend to be more comfortable and productive in work and play if wearing and surrounded by our favorite colors.

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