Color Information

Color Information for Interior Decorating

The only way to learn about color is by emersing yourself into it. Reading articles, magazines, books, looking at examples and critiquing them. Look at why some schemes work and why others fail and gathering as much color information as you can.

Don’t just say “YUCK I don’t like that one. ”

Think about why you don’t like it, does it have too many colors? Is there not enough texture, is it too flat, too bright, too strong? Then think about what you would do with color in that same space.

Introduction to Color for Interiors

Analyse what others have done before you, decide if what you see is pleasing on your eye, or you think it fails.

Look at what works in a color scheme, is it the fabrics?

Does the furniture carry the scheme or the funky wallpaper distracts your eye from the orange carpet?

Read about color information and learn the basics so that you can analyse interior rooms and them make good quality color change choices of your own.

Below are some articles to guide you into making your own color decisions by teaching you the principles behind color. There are also some that are just plain color fun.

The Future of Feature Walls, find out more.

Color Feature Walls

Once upon a time the feature wall was just that, a feature, something used to draw our eye to a focal point in a room. Unfortunately, as with every good idea, when everyone jumps on the band wagon and creates a huge trend and swell of enthusiasm, the feature wall has been the catch cry for clients wanting good interior decorating schemes in their homes.

Color Information

Color Contrast

Reviewing good black and white photographs is an ideal way to recognize contrast. The tonal contrasts portray the detail. In comparison, looking at a bad example of a black and white photograph will tend to look…

Color Information

Color Texture and Pattern

Texture – this is the visual or tactile surface characteristic of something, be it fabric, timber carpet or glass. Tactile means that it is perceptible by the sense of touch. Every surface has a texture.

There are two types of texture – rough and smooth

Color information about balance

Color Balance

No matter what your color preferences are, bold or subtle, balance is the most important secret in achieving your desired effect.

It is also the most difficult to describe as it comes down to how your eye perceives the space.

Color information on tone.

Color Tone

The lightness and darkness of a color basically describes Tone.

The tone is affected by two parts – the value, the amount of black or white it contains and the intensity/saturation, the amount of color it contains. The combination of these..

Help with choosing a look for your room.

Choosing a Look

How do you do it?

If you have an idea of a look that you want to recreate, i.e. Mediterranean. Start looking for examples in books, magazines, on TV and pick out the things that you think highlight that period or style. Focus on these and see whether they will fit…

Chromatherapy is the treatment of human diseases through applying concentrated doses (more than sunlight) of color.


… each color in light has it’s own wavelength and frequency. It is thought that every human disease corresponds to a specific color.

Therefore, chromatherapy is the treatment of human diseases through applying concentrated doses (more than sunlight) of color.

Learn more about color and nature.

Color and Nature

How nature plays a big part in choosing colors for our home interiors.

When was the last time that you actually took a good look at your surroundings when you are out for a walk?

More color information articles

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Color Information
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